Racial Equity and Justice
We cannot allow racial disparities to fester and grow in Madison. We must address systemic racism and prejudice in our economy, government, and criminal justice system.

Recruit and Hire Diverse Candidates
Madison’s city staff should reflect the growing diversity of our community. I’ll vote to continue funding efforts to recruit more candidates of color for city positions. I’ll also make sure we are recruiting individuals from diverse backgrounds for committee positions, so all voices are heard in city government.
Reduce Arrests and Citations for Non-Violent Crimes
The rate of arrests and citations for all crimes, but especially non-violent ones, are heavily correlated with race. This puts an undue financial and societal burden on our communities of color and fuels hesitancy to call law enforcement for fear of overly punitive response. I will support changes to our police policy that will reduce citations and arrests for crimes which do not present a threat to the health and wellbeing of others.
Strengthen Police Oversight
I strongly supported the formation of the city’s Police Civilian Oversight Board, and I will make sure it remains a strong, independent check on our police force to prevent abuses of power and patterns of racial discrimination. We must root out misbehavior and symptoms of systemic racism in our law enforcement, to make it a resource that all people in Madison can trust. The board should have increased visibility to the public so they can know the progress being made. Now that a new Independent Monitor has been hired, the board should also be empowered to make more proactive policy proposals regarding police practices and discipline.
Increase Funding For Mental Health and Community Services
We can no longer treat the police as a panacea for all of society’s problems. I support increasing funding for our other emergency response systems, as well as community outreach to address the root causes of crime. By providing mental health care, counseling services, youth engagement, and improvements to quality of life, we can reduce our police budget while still making our neighborhoods safer.